Up Butterflies of Venezuelan Andes » 2006 May » 2006 0518 Calderas, Barinas » EXPEDITION & LANDSCAPE Prev Next Slideshow

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Scene_1_86_Surveying a rugged road leading to La Volcanera
Scene_1_87_Descending a rugged road in a SUV
Scene_1_88_Beto checking the suspention bridge
Scene_1_89_Suspention bride and river beneath it
Scene_2_01_Looking down the river from the suspention bridge
Scene_2_11_Outside view of a restaurant
Scene_2_15_Village outside Calderas
Scene_2_21_Altamira Fall
Scene_2_22e_Alyamira Fall

Scene 2 09 View of Calderas city from a restaurant terrace Download Original Image
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